In the Partner’s Operations, we act on the prospection and activation of strategic partners for the sale of consortiums and related insurance outside CAIXA branches, in more than 2500 points of sale spread throughout the country. The main products marketed by us are:

(i) Auto and Real Estate consortiums;
(ii) lenders mortgage insurance and;
(iii) insurance against breach of guarantee.

The consortium is a product of Caixa Consórcios, sold directly by the Wiz team and especially by the network of partners, where Wiz takes part in the activation, monitoring and training. The lenders mortgage insurance guarantees the settlement of the debt of the consortium in case of death or permanent disability (product of Caixa Seguradora), and the purchase of the insurance is generally associated with the offer made during the sale of the letters of consortia. The insurance against breach of guarantee is used to ensure the group of consortium members in case of default (product of Previsul and all consortia of Caixa Consórcios are insured by this product). The Partner’s Operations accounted for 9% of our gross revenue in 2017.¹